Hard Water Vs Soft Water: What’s the Difference?

Last updated on January 2nd, 2023

In simple words, hard water is water that has high mineral content. On the other hand, soft water is simply water that contains low amounts of minerals. The commonly found minerals in hard water are calcium and magnesium. So, before we get into any of the details, what really is the difference between Hard Water Vs Soft Water, and how do they affect you?

These minerals occur naturally in the atmosphere and mix with rainwater to create hard water. As a result, this hard water will leave you with very dry skin. If you are someone who often gets your hands and feet damaged by hard water then you better find out ways to soften the water so that it does not have a detrimental effect on your skin.

Hard water vs soft water

Hard water can cause build up in pipes, and it’s full of minerals we don’t need to drink. Soft water is what you want. It’s easier on plumbing, especially in homes. Next time you’re thinking about getting a new water filter for your home, think about looking at the hardness of your water. What do you think? Is hard water better than soft? 

Comparison Table: Hard water vs soft water

No foam and lather from soapsBubbly lather from soaps
Soap is not so effectiveSoap is easily effective
Contains minerals like magnesium and calcium Contains sodium ion 
Leaves spots on the washed dishes after they are driedDoes not leave any spots on dishes after they are dried
It is rich in minerals Contains very few elements 
Hair and skin become dry Hair and skin become soft
Example: Groundwater like deep wellsExample: Rainwater
Sometimes preferred drinking waterSometimes not preferred drinking water 

What Is Hard Water?

What Is Hard Water

Hard water is water that has a high mineral content, such as calcium and magnesium ions. These minerals can leave a white film on your shower or bathtub, clog up pipes, and make it difficult to get soaps and shampoos to lather. Hard water can also be damaging to household appliances such as dishwashers, washing machines, and coffee makers because it leaves mineral deposits on them.

Hard water is caused by the natural presence of calcium and magnesium in the local soil or rock formations. As rain falls through the atmosphere it picks up carbon dioxide from the air, which forms weak carbonic acid when it mixes with water droplets. 

The carbonic acid dissolves certain elements in the earth’s surface and carries them into nearby streams or lakes where they are deposited as solid particles when the rainwater evaporates again. The result is hard water full of calcium and magnesium ions.

Benefits of Hard Water


There are many benefits to having hard water in your home. Here are some of the top reasons why you should embrace it:

Hard water is easier on your skin

The minerals in hard water help to moisturize and protect skin from dryness and irritation. This makes it easier to take a relaxing shower or bath without worrying about your skin getting dried out by soap or shampoo. You’ll also notice that your hair looks shinier when you use shampoo with hard water because it produces less lather than soft water does.

Hard water works better for washing clothes and dishes

Hard water works better for washing

Because hard water produces less lather when used for cleaning, you can use less soap or detergent than you would need with soft water. This means fewer chemicals will be left behind on your clothes or dishes if they aren’t rinsed off completely after washing them clean with hard water! You’ll also notice that clothes come out looking brighter and cleaner when washed in hard.

It can prevent rusting

Hard water is rich in calcium and magnesium, which are excellent at preventing the corrosion of metal objects such as sinks, pipes and faucets. This makes hard water a good choice for people who live in areas where there is a lot of rain and snowmelt because it will help to reduce the risk of damage from rusting over time.

It makes cleaning easier

Hard water also helps to make cleaning easier because it does not leave as many spots or streaks behind when you use soap or detergent, even if you do not rinse the item completely before using it again. This is especially true for those who suffer from eczema or other skin conditions that cause their skin to be more sensitive than average.

It improves the health of your hair

Better skin and hair health

Hard water contains minerals like calcium and magnesium that are beneficial for maintaining healthy hair growth. These minerals provide nutrients that improve hair strength, making it less likely to break or fall out during brushing or shampooing. They also help prevent dryness by keeping oil production up so that hair does not become frizzy or brittle when exposed.

It helps keep food fresh

Hard water can be used to cook food as it contains minerals like calcium and magnesium that prevent the growth of bacteria and microbes in food items such as meat, fish and vegetables. These minerals also help preserve the taste of food items cooked in hard water as they make them taste better than those cooked in soft water or plain tap water.

It makes laundry smell better

The high mineral content of hard water helps remove dirt from clothes during washing cycles thereby making them smell good after drying out completely in sunlight or tumble dryer heaters. The minerals present in hard tap water also act as stain removers by removing stains from clothes without causing any damage to fabrics as compared to plain tap water.

Disadvantages of Hard Water

Disadvantages of Hard Water

Here are the top 5 disadvantages of hard water:

  • Mineral Buildup in Pipes
  • Reduced Longevity of Appliances
  • Dry Skin or Eczema
  • Stained Clothes and Dishes
  • Mineral Deposits on Showerheads

What is soft water?

Soft water is water that has a low concentration of dissolved minerals. It has a pH level of 7 or above, and has a high capacity to hold gas and heat. Soft water can be produced by distillation or deionization.

Benefits of Soft Water


Soft water is good for your skin

Soft water has a lower pH value than hard water, so it’s not as harsh on your skin. This makes it especially beneficial for people with sensitive skin, who may have problems with existing tap water or well water.

Soft water has a lower mineral content than hard water and therefore leaves your skin feeling smoother and more hydrated than usual. This is because the ions in hard-water deposits can have an irritating effect on the skin. If you have sensitive skin or suffer from eczema or psoriasis, soft water will help keep your skin healthy!

Soft water doesn’t leave soap scum behind

Sulfates are naturally occurring minerals that form when hard water passes through limestone rock formations. When these sulfates come in contact with soap, they create scum that sticks to surfaces like shower doors and sinks. This residue can cause irritation for some people who suffer from eczema or psoriasis because it causes their skin to become dry and cracked.

Soft water helps prevent mineral buildup in pipes and appliances

Hard mineral deposits build up inside pipes over time, which can lead to clogs and other plumbing problems if they aren’t removed regularly by professional plumbers or by using some kind of home remedy like vinegar or baking soda (which can also damage your pipes).

Hair Care Benefits

Better skin and hair health

Soft water can also improve hair care by reducing frizziness and tangles when showering or bathing with it. This happens because it reduces static electricity buildup in your hair strands so they’re less likely to attract each other when wet (we all know what happens when you try combing through wet water.

Good for the environment

Hard water contains calcium and magnesium ions that can build up in pipes, faucets and fixtures over time, causing clogs and mineral deposits on surfaces like showerheads, faucets and toilets. These mineral deposits can then lead to leaks and other issues that waste energy as well as cost you extra money to fix them.

How to Deal With Hard Water?

Hard water is a problem.  It can cause damage to your skin and hair, as well as your appliances and plumbing.  Hard water is defined as water that contains a significant amount of dissolved minerals such as calcium and magnesium.  These minerals can build up over time, causing scale to form on your shower heads, faucets and sinks.  Hard water can also cause soap scum to form in your bathtub or shower.

There are several ways to deal with hard water:

Use a Water Softener: Hard water vs Soft water 

Water softeners work by adding sodium ions into the water so that they can bind with the calcium and magnesium ions in order to prevent them from building up in your plumbing system. This also means that you’ll need to use less soap when washing dishes or taking showers because less soap is needed when dealing with soft water than with hard water.

Also Read: Springwell Salt-Based Water Softener

Use Soap Gels: Hard water vs soft water

Liquid soaps are made with sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) which helps create lather but it also creates problems for people with sensitive skin or who suffer from eczema because it strips away natural oils from their skin leaving them dry and irritated. Soap gels avoid this problem since they have milder ingredients.

Install an Inline Filter on Your Showerhead

An inline filter attaches directly to your showerhead so that all of the water coming out of your shower passes through it first. Filters remove chlorine as well as many other contaminants from your shower; this will help prevent buildup on your tile grout and fixtures as well as keep your skin hydrated after bathing (since hard water can dry out skin).

Also Read: Pelican vs Aquasana Shower Filter

Conclusion: Hard water vs soft water 


Soft water is water that has been treated. It does not contain as many dissolved solids like minerals and metals as hard water. 

Using soft water over hard water reduces soap scum, mineral build-up in pipes, skin and hair problems and May even reduce your energy usage if you live in an area particularly subject to hard water. Soft water is typically found in areas with limestone deposits while hard water usually originates from granite rock formations.

On the whole, soft water is clearly preferred over hard water for your plumbing system. In general, it is less expensive and much easier to manage. The good news is that softeners are relatively inexpensive as well so you should have no trouble investing in one for your home.

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