Boiled Water vs Filtered Water: Which Is Batter?

Last updated on January 2nd, 2023

Boiled water vs filtered water complete guide. A cup of boiling water is known to kill a lot of germs and bacteria inside. This is because the high temperature will dissolve the germs, preventing them from surviving in the first place. 

boiled water vs filtered water

Boiling water is also effective in killing any pathogens that might be present in the water. These pathogens could potentially cause diseases, hence it is important that you should boil your water before using it at home.

Alright, you know that boiled water is healthier but filtered water makes you feel better. But which one of them should you drink? Yes, in reality, it’s a matter of personal preference. However, we are here to make those decisions for you boiled water vs filtered water. If you have time today and want the facts about the difference between boiled and filtered water, this article is for you. So keep on reading and I’ll try to make everything as clear as possible.

Boiled water — what is boiled water?

what is boiled water

Boiled water is water that has been heated to the boiling point of 100 °C (212 °F). It is used for cooking, cleaning, and laundry. Boiled water becomes much safer to drink when it cools down.

Boiled water is boiled in a pot over heat or put on a stove or hotplate. When the water reaches 100 °C, it is at a rolling boil. The longer you heat the water and the hotter it gets, the more likely it is that all harmful bacteria will be killed off by this process.

As long as it’s brought to a rolling boil and kept there for at least one minute (to kill off any harmful bacteria), it should be safe to drink. Boiling water is important when you’re camping or traveling because it ensures that your drinking supply won’t make you sick (or worse).

Filtered water —what is filtered water?

Filtered Water

Filtered water is water that has been passed through a filter to remove contaminants. The most common form of filtration is a process known as reverse osmosis (RO). This process uses pressure to force the water through a membrane that excludes dissolved solids, microorganisms, and other contaminants. The result is essentially distilled water.

The purification process used in reverse osmosis systems can remove some dissolved minerals from the water. In particular, calcium and magnesium are often removed because they interfere with the operation of the system. These minerals can be added back into the tap water after it passes through the RO system and before it leaves your home.

Is boiling tap water the same as filtered water?

No, not at all. Boiling water will kill bacteria and viruses but it is not the best way to remove dissolved solids and other contaminants from your drinking water. It is also very time-consuming and uses a lot of energy!

Boiling water also changes its taste, color, and an odor due to chemical reactions that occur when heat is applied. These changes may become worse over time if you don’t drink them right away.

Boiling water is an effective method of removing bacteria and viruses. A rolling boil for one minute will kill most microbes that may be present in the water. It’s important to remember that any time you are boiling water, it should be done in a clean pot or container. If you use a dirty pot or utensil, it could contaminate your clean water.

Boiling is also effective at removing dissolved minerals from your drinking water. If you boil your tap water until it has evaporated completely, what you’re left with is pure steam — which is then condensed back into liquid form and collected for drinking purposes. 

However, boiling does not remove chemicals such as chlorine or fluoride from tap water; this must be done separately using a filter or another means of a treatment since these chemicals are added intentionally.

Can Boiled Water Make You Sick?

Boiling your own drinking water until all the impurities have been removed is a good way to get clean drinking water if you don’t have access to other sources. However, boiling your drinking water can actually make it more likely that you’ll become ill because of any germs or bacteria remaining after the process has finished.

Can Filtered Water Make You Sick?

The short answer is no.

The longer answer is that if it’s filtered water, and it’s stored in a clean container, then it probably won’t make you sick. But if you’re drinking tap water that’s been sitting around for hours or days, it’s possible it could be contaminated with bacteria or viruses.

To minimize your risk of getting sick from drinking bottled water, keep your bottles tightly closed and store them in a cool place away from sunlight and heat sources such as ovens or fireplaces.

Boiled Water – Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages of Boiled Water

  • Boiling water kills bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms. This is important when drinking water from a natural source such as a spring or stream.
  • Boiling water also makes it easier to filter out sediments and other foreign objects like leaves and twigs which may be present in the natural source.

Disadvantages of Boiled Water

  • The disadvantage of boiling water is that it takes time for the process to complete and this can be inconvenient for people who want their drinks quickly and without hassle.

Filtered Water – Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages of Filtered Water

  • If you put less food in your body, it’s more likely that you’ll lose weight. Drinking water helps reduce hunger cravings because it fills up your stomach without adding calories or sodium to the diet.
  • A study published in the Journal of Clinical Dermatology found that people who drank more than 2 liters of water per day had better skin quality than those who drank less water.
  • It prevents chronic diseases: A study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology found that people who drank more than 2.5 liters of water per day had a lower risk of dying from heart disease or stroke compared to those who drank less.


  • Water filters can be expensive, especially if you have a large family. If you filter water at home, it can get expensive if you have a large family.

General considerations — Boiled water VS filtered water

Boiled water is safe to drink and use for washing, bathing, and cooking. It can be stored safely in clean containers for up to 24 hours unless it has been contaminated with chemicals or other substances that will change the taste of the water. 

Boiled water contains no harmful bacteria or viruses, but it does contain dissolved minerals such as fluoride and salts, which can leave behind an unpleasant taste if not properly treated. Filtered water is also safe to drink and use for washing, bathing, and cooking. 

It contains no harmful bacteria or viruses and does not have a bad taste if properly treated. Filtered water may contain dissolved minerals such as fluoride and salts that should be removed before drinking or cooking with this type of water.

Can You Give Your Baby Filtered Water?

The short answer: Yes, filtered water is safe for infants and children. But there are some caveats.

Filtered water is a popular choice for parents who want to increase their children’s exposure to healthy foods, but is it safe? The answer isn’t as simple as you might think.

The most important thing to remember when considering whether or not filtered water is safe for your baby is that what’s inside the bottle might not be the only concern. Bottled water is regulated by the FDA, which means that all bottles must have proper labeling and warning labels printed on them. However, there are several factors about these labels that can make them confusing for consumers, even if they’re designed with safety in mind.

For example, one common misconception about bottled water labels is that they indicate safe levels of contaminants like lead or arsenic — but this isn’t correct. These contaminants aren’t listed on the label because they’re not regulated by FDA standards at all, so no amount would ever be considered “safe” by their standards.

Another thing to keep in mind when considering whether or not filtered water is safe for your child is that most filters aren’t designed specifically

Which is the Best Option – Boiled Water Vs Filtered Water?

Can You Give Your Baby Filtered Water

Some people ask whether it’s better to boil their water or use a filter. The answer is both! It depends on what your water looks like and what kind of filter you have. If you’re using a filter that removes viruses, then boiling is important because it will kill any bacteria that might be present in your water before you drink it. However, if you’re using a filter that only removes bacteria and protozoa (like Giardia), then boiling might not be necessary.

In general, if your water contains heavy amounts of sediment (things like sand and dirt) or if you’re not sure what kind of bacteria are in there, then boiling is probably the best option. If your water doesn’t look too dirty and doesn’t have any visible particulates floating around in it, then filtering may do the trick for you instead.

Conclusion: boiled water vs filtered water


You now have a choice between two methods of drinking purified water, and they should provide you with all the benefits you seek. It may be wise to try them both out to see what method is best for you in terms of taste, health effects, and cost. 

And if you are looking for alternative methods of drinking purified distilled water, remember that your local market may have your solution. Just make sure that the alternative method is one that you can consistently use and enjoy. I hope that after having read this article, Boiled Water Vs Filtered Water, you are more aware of the various methods available to purify water and the ways in which they can be used.

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