Springwell vs Culligan – Which Water Filter is Best?

Last updated on January 2nd, 2024

Springwell And Culligan are the two most popular water treatment brands in the United States. ​And, it is understandable why there’s a considerable debate between their users as to which is better than the other. Whether we use it for drinking or cooking, having good-tasting and clean water at home is one of life’s most fundamental pleasures. 

Springwell vs Culligan

Springwell is the most natural type of water because it is not processed like distilled or bottled water. However, if you are looking for drinking water with no additives or chemicals, spring water might not be for you.

⚖️ Comparison Chart 

ProductSpringwell CF1Culligan WH-HD200-C
ImageSpringWell Whole House Water Filter System
(Editor’s Choice)
Culligan WH-HD200-C
FeaturesSedimentTaste and odor disinfectant (chlorine, chloramine)Bacteria and viruses (ad-on)Water hardness (ad-on)SedimentTaste and odor disinfectant (chlorine, chloramine)
Capacity1,000,000 gallons10,000 gallons
Filter Life*Pre-filter: 6 – 9 months
Main filter: 6 years up
2 – 3 months
WarrantyLifetime against defects3 years limited
PriceBuy on SpringwellBuy on Amazon
Discounts☝️ Get 5% off at springwellwater.com – Use code MHWT5

Springwell And Culligan are two of the best known water treatment companies globally. They have a lot of products that they offer to their customers. Their products include natural water purifiers, softeners, reverse osmosis systems, etc. 

When you’re looking to learn more about the options available to you for home water quality, one of the first brand names that might come to mind is Culligan. While it may seem like that name is synonymous with water filtration, there’s another option out there that can get you the same excellent water quality and service. 

Springwell is a company that has a similar mission: they want to provide you with all of the tools you need to maintain great-tasting water in your home. So if you’re looking for a new filtration system or trying to figure out how Springwell and Culligan compare, we have everything you need to know about these two great brands right here for your reference.

🏠 Springwell Whole House Water Filter System

SpringWell Whole House Water Filter System

💲 Our readers get 5% off at springwellwater.com – 👉 Use Code MHWT5

Springwell water filtration is an innovative water filtration system that improves the quality of your drinking water and the quality of the drinking water in your pet’s bowl. The purification process involves adding a patented filter cartridge to a standard faucet, which filters out things like chlorine, sediment, and lead.

Your water will be better, and your pets will be healthier. Pets can develop all sorts of health problems from exposure to harmful chemicals in their water supply—if your dog or cat drinks enough lousy water, it could lead to kidney or liver failure. Springwell removes impurities from your tap water, but it also doesn’t add anything else. No fluoride or other unnecessary chemicals are added. This means no more worries about what you’re pouring into your pet’s bowl.

  • Reasonable price
  • Great filtration performance
  • High water flow rate
  • Low maintenance
  • Large capacity
  • Plastic fittings

🥇 Culligan WH-HD200-C Whole House Heavy Duty 1″ Inlet/Outlet Filtration System

Culligan WH-HD200-C

Culligan Water Filter is a company that specializes in softening and purifying water. It uses a process of reverse osmosis, which involves the use of pressure to force water through tiny pores to filter out particles and chemicals. 

One of the most significant benefits of Culligan water is that it does not need to be filtered again after it has gone through the system. Since the process uses pressure, it allows for use with well water and city water systems. 

It also removes the need to buy bottled or filtered water from other vendors. It’s important to note that Culligan isn’t a company; it’s a brand name used by many different companies that sell their versions of reverse osmosis filtration systems. What you’re getting with Culligan is high-quality filtering technology that can be installed in your home or business.

  • Low maintenance cost
  • Quick & easy installation
  • Battery-operated filter life monitor
  • 2-year limited warranty
  • Built-in bypass valve for fast filter changes
  • The bypass valve may be hard to turn

🤝 Similarities between Springwell Vs Culligan

When considering whether Springwell or Culligan is better for your home, it’s essential to consider their similarities and differences. While both companies are leaders in the water treatment industry, they have some key differences and similarities. 

These companies offer a wide range of services, from water softening and filtration to the installation and maintenance of water conditioners. Their prices vary depending on what services you choose. 

If you have a limited budget, it’s essential to compare the costs and benefits of both companies before making a decision. They can help determine if you need any servicing done and help you decide how often you need that service. 

Read Also: Springwell vs Pelican

They can also offer advice on maintaining your equipment if you want to do it yourself. When comparing these two companies, there are many things to look for when deciding which one is right for your home.

Both of them have their unique advantages over the other. Springwell is more than just a company. It is the name of a water filtration system that gives you better quality water than what you get from your municipality or municipality-approved vendor. 

Springwell’s name is synonymous with its quality and technology. It is also relatively better priced when compared to Culligan’s water purification systems. On the other hand, Culligan has several types of designs ranging from residential to industrial, making it a more diverse company.

🚦 Difference between Springwell Vs Culligan

Springwell Water Systems and Culligan Water Systems are two of the most popular water purification companies in the United States. Both of them provide quality service to their customers; before making a choice, you need to look at each company’s services and prices and decide which one best fits your needs.

Culligan water system is a more than 40 years old company that uses advanced technology to purify drinking water. Culligan has over 1300 locations for residential, commercial, health care, and industrial customers. 

Nearly 2 million people have trusted Culligan to deliver their clean drinking water. Their product includes reverse osmosis systems, water softeners, drinking fountains, carbon filters, bottled drinking water, and home filtration systems.

Springwell is famous for use of Premier Water Technologies that focuses on Residential, Commercial & Industrial Drinking Water Treatment. They use modern technology to purify your tap water by removing taste and odor from your water with the best filter technology. 

Springwell is a family-owned company that has been in business for almost 25 years. Their product range includes whole house filters, under sink filters, carbon block filters, pitcher filters, etc.

Water Quality:

Both Culligan and Springwell soften your water using salt-based softeners. The difference is that Culligan uses potassium chloride while Springwell uses sodium chloride. Although the two salts are similar, there are some significant differences to keep in mind: Firstly, sodium chloride is more accessible to dissolve than potassium chloride.

Secondly, it takes less sodium chloride to soften water than potassium chloride; however, the saltier your water, the more often you need to regenerate with either system. Suppose you have particularly hard water or live in a high-altitude area. In that case, a potassium chloride system may be a better choice for you since it regenerates less frequently than a sodium-based system. Lastly, sodium chloride costs less than potassium chloride.

Type of Filtration

Springwell and Culligan, the two leading water-filtration companies in the United States, are easy to compare on a price level. Springwell’s filters are more expensive than Culligan’s, but it offers more filter cartridges for the same price. Because of this, Springwell will cost you less in the long run if you’re drinking a lot of water every day; however, if you only drink occasionally or have a small family to supply, Culligan may be your better bet.

By most accounts, Springwell (at least on its website) is better at giving clear information about what each filter cartridge does and how to install it. It also has resources available to help people who want to use their filters instead of buying new ones through Springwell.


One of the main differences between Springwell and Culligan is the capacity of their water filters. Springwell, for example, has a total of up to 150 gallons or about 1.5 months’ worth of water supply. On the other hand, Culligan has a capacity of up to 300 gallons or 3 months’ value of water supply.

The cost of maintenance also varies between the two. Culligan is more expensive than Springwell because it requires more frequent filter changes. This can be seen in a straightforward statistic: while Springwell only needs to be replaced once a year, Culligan needs to be replaced once every three months.

Despite these differences, Springwell and Culligan are very similar in terms of basic features. Both have an activated carbon filter that removes chlorine and other chemicals from your water, and both use granulated activated carbon (GAC) filters. 

GAC filters may be made from coconut shells or nutshells. Still, they all have one thing in common: they hold an abundance of tiny pores that can trap organic contaminants like lead and even pesticides better than traditional carbon filters can—and this makes drinking water cleaner and safer for everyone who uses it.

Cost of Maintenance

The maintenance cost for both Springwell and Culligan is much more expensive than that of the self-installation. Springwell’s maintenance costs $20 per month, including the 2-part water softener and a $5 shop fee. The facility fee is also included in this price. 

Culligan’s maintenance costs about $30 per month. This includes a 3-part water softener, a $30 shop fee, and a facility fee.

Springwell and Culligan have their pros and cons when it comes to the upkeep of their products. Springwell has outstanding customer service and will always come to fix any problems you may be having with your systems. 

They will also pick up your system as long as you are within 30 miles from their retail outlets and install it again once fixed. On the other hand, Culligan uses contractors who do not always show up when they say they will do so. However, both companies can be reached through their customer service number, which is usually toll-free.

🕵️ Bottom Line:

We give Springwell a 5-star recommendation for a water filter system based on our research and system comparisons. It offers its customers the best purity water under unsanitary conditions, contributing to an overall healthy lifestyle.

The Springwell system is the best because there are no wastewater tanks, the unit is smaller and more compact, and there is no need to wear a whole body condom. This system costs much less than Culligan and has a better design, leading to better function overall.

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