Are Whole House Water Filters Worth It? [Deepest Guide In 2023]

Last updated on January 2nd, 2023

The water we drink isn’t as clean as it used to be. There are more chemicals, metals, and strands of other unknown material in the water we drink today that weren’t there years ago. Whole house water filters can help make drinking and cooking with your tap water a much healthier experience. 

Are Whole House Water Filters Worth It

Living in areas with hard water makes it even more important because hard water can leave streaks on everything, rust pipes and fixtures, damage appliances, and cause skin problems.

This is where the whole house water filtration system comes in. Whole house water filtration systems are one of the best ways to get the cleanest and safest water for your home.

Whole house water filters are a permanent solution that will help you avoid all types of contaminants, including bacteria, chemicals, and other unwanted elements in your water.

If you’re not convinced yet, here are 23 reasons Are Whole House Water Filters Worth It:

👉 15 Reasons Why Are Whole House Water Filters Worth It

_15 Reasons Why Are Whole House Water Filters Worth It

Safe & healthy water

One of the most important reasons to install a whole house water filter is to make your home’s drinking water safe and healthy for you and your family. Water quality can vary from one location to another, so it is important that you get a high-quality filter that can remove any contaminants that may be in your tap water.

Save money on bottled water

Another reason why it is worth it to install whole house filters is that it can save you money on bottled water. Bottled water costs around $1 per gallon, meaning that if you drink two gallons of bottled water per day then you will spend around $2,000 per year on bottled water. 

This doesn’t include the cost of storing all those bottles or recycling them after they are empty. If you have a whole house filter installed then you won’t need to buy expensive bottled water anymore!

Saves Money

You will save thousands of dollars per year by using a whole house filter instead of buying bottled water. Not only do you save money by not buying bottled water, but it also reduces your carbon footprint by not having to transport heavy bottles all around the world!

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Reduces Waste

Using a whole house filter reduces waste by eliminating the need for single-use plastic bottles. This reduces pollution in our landfills and oceans while helping to protect our planet from further damage caused by plastic waste.

Helps Protect Our Oceans

We have already seen what happens when we litter our oceans with plastic pollution; dolphins and whales die because they ingest too much plastic into their bodies through food chains or through physical contact with floating plastic bags or other pieces of trash found in oceans or rivers.

Environmentally friendly Are Whole House Water Filters Worth It

Whole house filters are more environmentally friendly than other types of filters because they don’t use cartridges or disposable filters that need to be replaced every 6 months or so. 

Instead, they use permanent granular activated carbon (GAC) which can last for years before needing to be replaced (usually 4-5 years). 

It’s important to have annual maintenance done on your whole house filter so that you know it’s working properly and there aren’t any leaks in the system.

Filters many contaminants

Whole house water filters can filter out many different types of contaminants from your water supply. These include chlorine, heavy metals, fluoride, pesticides, and more! It’s important that you check with your local municipality before installing one of these filters so that you can be sure it’s legal for them to use in your area.

Installs easily

A whole house water filter installs easily in just about any type of plumbing system. All you need to do is connect the filter housing to the cold water line coming into your home, then connect it to the hot side when it comes time to install that part as well (usually after running some water through both pipes).

More waterproof options

Whole house water filters come in a variety of shapes and sizes, so you can find one that will fit your home and water supply needs. As a rule of thumb, the bigger the filter, the more space it takes up. 

If you have a large family or live in a larger home, consider getting a bigger whole-house filter to handle all of your needs. If you only need to filter for one or two people and don’t mind having it installed on an exterior wall or in your basement, then you can get by with a smaller unit that doesn’t take up much space at all.

A quieter water filtration system

One of the biggest benefits of whole-house water filters is that they produce less noise than traditional point-of-use (POU) units like faucet-mounted or countertop models. 

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POU filters use less energy than whole house models but can be louder because they require more moving parts inside to pump out water from one place to another.

Longer lasting filters

Whole house water filters use larger and more powerful filters than smaller point-of-use models, which means they can last much longer before needing replacement.

Filter all household water

Whole house water filters clean all of the water coming into your home instead of just the tap water. This is especially important if you have well water or other sources of contaminated groundwater where bacteria, nitrates, and other contaminants could be present at higher concentrations than what is found in municipal tap water.

More Convenient

Whole house water filters offer a lot of conveniences because you don’t have to think about them or change them out. They will filter all of your drinking water and showering water, making it simple to have clean water at all times.

Protects Appliances

One of the biggest benefits of whole-house filters is that they protect your appliances from calcium buildup and other mineral deposits that can damage them over time. This protects your plumbing as well as your appliances because they’re not being used with dirty water anymore!

Removes Sediments

Whole house filters remove sediments from your drinking water which helps keep it clear and free from particles that could cloud up your glass when you pour yourself a cup of coffee or tea in the morning. It also makes it easier for you to see how much sediment is still in the tank so you know when it’s time for a new filter or replacement cartridge.

Less Expensive Than Buying Bottled Water

Bottled water is a waste of money. It’s expensive, and it’s bad for the environment. You’ll save money by using a whole house filter because you won’t have to buy bottled water anymore.

Longer Lasting Than Point-of-Use Filters

Point-of-use filters are great for filtering water from your faucet, but they are not as effective at filtering out contaminants as whole-house filters are. 

If you use a point-of-use filter, you will still need to use bottled water for cooking, making coffee, and other uses that require filtered water. Whole house filters provide protection from contaminants in both hot and cold water throughout your entire home.

Protection from Contaminants in All Water Sources

Whole house filtration systems offer protection from all sources of water in your home — including tap water, well water, rainwater runoff, and even ice cubes! 

If you live near an industrial area or farm with high levels of agricultural runoff or chemical contamination such as fertilizer or pesticides (or if there’s an oil leak nearby), a whole house filter can help protect your family from harmful toxins like lead and mercury that may be present.

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For Prevents Dry Skin

Dry skin is a common problem among people who have hard water. Hard water contains high levels of calcium and magnesium, which can leave your skin feeling dry and cracked. 

This can be especially problematic during the winter months when you need to heat your home with an inefficient boiler. A whole house water filter will help soften the water and prevent dry skin.

Eliminates Chlorine Odors and Taste

Hard water can leave an unpleasant smell in your home or make laundry dingy and stiff. This happens because chlorine is added to harden the water to kill bacteria in pipes before it reaches your tap. 

A whole house water filter will eliminate these odors from your home by removing chlorine from your supply line before it reaches you faucet.

Removes Heavy Metals

The first reason that whole-house water filters are worth it is that they remove heavy metals like lead and mercury from your drinking water. 

The EPA has set the maximum contaminant level for lead at 15 parts per billion (ppb), but many cities have much higher levels of lead in their drinking water. 

One study found that almost 20 percent of homes in the US have lead levels above the EPA limit, which means that whole-house filters can help keep you and your family safe from this dangerous toxin.

Better Tasting Food

Whole house water filters are also worth it because they improve the taste of your food. If you’re eating foods that were grown in fields irrigated with dirty water, then you’re probably getting more than just pesticides and herbicides in your meals—you may also be getting traces of heavy metals like arsenic, cadmium, and fluoride. 

These chemicals can build up over time and make your food taste bad (or even toxic), but a whole house filter removes them so you’ll never have to worry about it again!

Keeps Scale out of Plumbing Fixtures and Appliances

When you use unfiltered water over time, you can end up with mineral buildup called scale in your plumbing fixtures and appliances such as faucets, toilets, showers, and washing machines. 

This happens because unfiltered water contains dissolved minerals like calcium or magnesium which can’t dissolve properly when the pH is too high or too low. 

When these minerals build up on your pipes, they begin to clog them over time causing leaks in your plumbing system that may result in expensive repairs if not addressed promptly.


In this article, we have a detailed review about Are Whole House Water Filters Worth It? Hopefully, this list has resonated with you and convinced you that whole-house water filters should be a part of your household. There are so many reasons to buy the best filtration system for your home, but the most important reason is to improve the overall health of your family. 

If we can all make an effort to reduce exposure to toxic chemicals, our children and their children, and so on will never have to deal with the awful diseases that come from exposure to these chemicals.

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