Is Shower Water Tap Water: A Closer Look at Your Bathroom H2O

Last updated on October 3rd, 2023

When you step into your bathroom for a refreshing shower, you probably don’t give much thought to where the water pouring from your showerhead comes from. After all, it looks like regular tap water, so it must be safe to drink, right? Well, not quite. In this article, we’ll dive into the fascinating world of bathroom plumbing to answer the question: Is shower water tap water? We’ll explore the sources of shower water, why it’s not safe to drink, the possibility of filtered or softened shower water, and whether drinking shower water in an emergency is a viable option.

The Origin of Your Shower Water: Exploring the Source

Shower water, like the water that flows from your faucets, typically comes from your home’s municipal water supply or a private well, depending on your location. This water source is the same as what you get from your kitchen sink, making it “tap water” in a broader sense.

However, there are some key differences between the water supply for your showers and the water supply for your kitchen sink. While they may start from the same source, shower water often undergoes a distinct journey before it reaches you.

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Before it cascades over your body, shower water usually passes through a water heater. This heater, typically powered by electricity or natural gas, raises the water’s temperature to a comfortable level. Additionally, showerheads may have built-in filters or aerators to enhance water pressure and reduce impurities. As a result, the water you experience in the shower may have slightly different characteristics compared to the water from your kitchen tap.

Reasons Shower Water Isn’t Safe to Drink

Despite its similarities to tap water, shower water is not safe to drink, primarily due to the following reasons:

  • Temperature: Shower water is usually hot or warm. The high temperature can cause metals and other materials in your plumbing system to leach into the water, potentially making it unsafe for consumption.
  • Chemical Additives: Water treatment facilities often add chlorine or chloramine to kill bacteria and make tap water safe to drink. These chemicals can be present in your shower water, and while they’re not at harmful levels for skin contact, they can make the water taste unpleasant.
  • Mineral Buildup: Showerheads and pipes can accumulate mineral deposits over time. Drinking water from these sources may expose you to elevated levels of minerals like calcium and magnesium, which can have a laxative effect in large quantities.
  • Bacterial Growth: Stagnant water can promote the growth of bacteria and other microorganisms in your showerhead and pipes, which can contaminate the water.

What About Drinking Shower Water That’s Filtered or Softened?

Some homeowners invest in water filtration or softening systems for their entire house, including their showers. These systems can improve the quality of your shower water by removing impurities and reducing hardness. While filtered or softened shower water may be safer to drink than untreated water, it’s essential to remember that it still goes through a water heater, potentially affecting its quality.

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When can I drink shower water?

In dire situations where clean drinking water is scarce, drinking shower water might be a last resort. While it’s not recommended due to the reasons mentioned earlier, shower water is unlikely to cause immediate harm in small quantities. However, it’s vital to purify or filter it if possible and use it sparingly until a safe drinking water source becomes available.

Is Hot Water or Cold Water from a Shower Safer to Drink?

Both hot and cold shower water have their own set of concerns when it comes to drinking. As mentioned earlier, hot water can leach metals and other contaminants from your plumbing, while cold water might still contain chlorine or chloramine. In general, neither is ideal for drinking.

So Is It a Good Idea to Drink Shower Water?

Shower water does originate from the same source as tap water, it undergoes different processes and can pick up contaminants along the way. As a result, it’s not advisable to drink shower water unless it’s an absolute emergency, and no other clean water source is available. In such cases, it’s crucial to purify or filter the water as much as possible to minimize potential health risks. For everyday hydration, stick to the kitchen tap, where the water is treated and regularly tested for safety.


Is shower water the same as tap water?

Shower water often comes from the same source as tap water, but it can have differences in temperature and may contain impurities that make it unsuitable for drinking.

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Why isn’t shower water safe to drink?

Shower water may have higher temperatures that can leach contaminants from plumbing, and it can contain chemicals, minerals, and bacteria that are not safe for consumption.

Can I drink shower water if it’s filtered or softened?

While filtered or softened shower water may be better than untreated water, it’s still not recommended for drinking due to potential temperature-related issues and other contaminants.

Is it safe to drink hot shower water?

Hot shower water can be less safe to drink than cold water because it can leach metals from plumbing. However, both hot and cold shower water are generally not suitable for consumption.

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