Aquatru Vs Zerowater: Which is Better in 2023?

Last updated on January 2nd, 2023

There are two types of water filter systems that are relatively new to the market. These are the Aquatru Vs Zerowater filter. Both of these filters claim to do a better job at filtering water than your basic pitcher/faucet water filter. There is a lot of claims made by both companies, but just how accurate and effective are these filters? 

Aquatru Vs Zerowater

Aquatru is a water filtration system that uses state of the art technology to purify your water. It uses a patented five stage system to remove impurities and improve the taste of your water.

The Zerowater Filtration System removes 100% of chemicals, sediment and chlorine from your tap water, so you can enjoy pure, healthy drinking water every day.

Both systems are very easy to use and maintain. In fact, both have received excellent reviews from customers who have used them for years. However, there are some differences between the two systems that may influence your decision when choosing one for yourself.

If you’re looking for the best bottled water, Aquatru and Zerowater would likely be one of your top picks. Both brands have a long tradition of producing high-quality drinking water at an affordable price.

Comparison Table – Aquatru Vs Zerowater

Contaminants removed: 83+Contaminants removed: 23
Filter lifespan: 6 months – 2 yearsFilter lifespan: 3-5 months
Filter: Activated carbon & ROFilter: 5 stages
Capacity: 3 quartsCapacity: 10 cups
Warranty: 1 yearWarranty: 90 days
aquatruZeroWater 10 Cup reviewEDITOR’S CHOICE 
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What is Zerowater?

Zerowater is an advanced filtration system that produces high quality, healthy, alkaline water with a pH of 8.5. The unique design of the filters is based on decades of research and development in mineral ion exchange. 

The Zerowater filter is a simple device that attaches to the faucet of any sink or to your refrigerator water dispenser. The filter cartridge lasts for up to 6 months, depending on usage and quality of water supply.

The filter uses a special type of membrane only found in Zerowater branded products. The membrane contains a patented blend of minerals that are able to capture and absorb contaminants without removing the desirable minerals and ions (ie calcium, magnesium, potassium) present in natural water sources. 

This method allows it to produce healthier alkaline water for drinking and cooking, with better taste and quality then tap or bottled water.

ZeroWater ZP-010, 10 Cup 5-Stage Water Filter

This model is designed to fit into your refrigerator, so you can fill up an entire pitcher with filtered water at once. It also comes with a switch that lets you choose between unfiltered and filtered water, or to have both available at once. 

If you’re worried about consuming too much calcium or magnesium—something that might happen if you drink several glasses of filtered water in one sitting—the switch allows you to balance out your intake. Zerowater says that the ZeroWater filter removes 99% of dissolved solids from your tap water, including lead, chlorine, mercury and fluoride.


Advanced Filtering Process

The Zerowater Water Filter Pitcher uses an ion exchange process which makes it very effective at removing minerals like lead and chlorine from your drinking water. This means that it can also remove other contaminants such as mercury and pesticides if they are present in your water supply (which they usually are). The ion exchange process also helps to reduce limescale buildup inside your pipes and appliances which can cause damage over time if left unchecked.

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Automatic shut-off system 

A unique feature found only in Zerowater faucet mount filters is an automatic shut-off system that prevents leaking if it becomes necessary to replace any parts inside the filter unit. When this happens, you don’t have to worry about losing any water or having leaks throughout your house as long as you have this feature installed in your filter unit!

It’s Easy To Install

The Zerowater website says that its countertop model can be installed in about five minutes without any tools or professional help. You can also choose between three different faucet types: standard, wide angle and pull-out models.

It Has Several Filter Options

There are four different filters available for purchase on the Zerowater website — two for countertops and two for under-counter installation. These include granulated carbon, KDF-55 (black), KDF-55/GAC (white) and KDF-85/GAC (white). Each one has different levels of micron ratings, but they all remove chlorine, chloramines, heavy metals, volatile organic compounds and other contaminants from your tap water before it reaches your faucet.

Affordable Price Tag

Zerowater has a reputation for being one of the most affordable brands in the world of water filtration. They have managed to keep their prices low by eliminating middlemen and selling directly to customers through their website. This means that there are no expensive retail markups on your side!

Three Different Sizes

There are three different sizes available for each Zerowater model: pitcher, faucet mount, and under-sink filter system. This allows you to choose the size that best fits your needs and budget. For example, if you don’t have much space in your refrigerator or cabinet, then using the pitcher may be more convenient than using an under-sink system which requires plumbing work to install it properly.

Two-Year Warranty

All Zerowater products come with a two-year warranty covering any defects that may occur during normal use of their product. This means that if anything goes wrong with your water filtration system (such as leaking faucet) within two years of purchase.

How do Zerowater Filters Work?

The ZeroWater filter works by using a five-stage filtration process. As the water passes through each of these stages, it becomes cleaner and cleaner.

Stage 1: Pre-Filter – This is the first stage of filtration, located at the bottom of your ZeroWater filter pitcher. It catches big chunks of sediment, rust, and other impurities that may be in your tap water.

Stage 2: Ion Exchange Resin – This is where the magic happens! The ion exchange resin removes minerals from your water (chlorine, lead and copper), making it taste better and healthier for you to drink.

Stage 3: Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) – This carbon filter removes chemicals like pesticides and herbicides from your drinking water. It also helps reduce odors and bad tastes if they are present in your tap water.

Stage 4: Post-Filter – A small amount of fluoride is added here to prevent any buildup caused by the GAC filter material. The post-filter also helps remove any remaining particles that may have been missed during the previous stages of filtration.

Stage 5: UV Sterilizer – This final stage UV sterilizer is an essential part of the water filtration process. This stage uses UV light to destroy any remaining bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms. The UV light is germicidal, meaning that it can kill 99.99% of all pathogens. This is important because even though your filter has removed nearly all of the bacteria and viruses from your drinking water, there may be some left over. The UV light will kill these remaining pathogens so that you can enjoy clean, pure water for drinking or cooking with no worries about exposure to harmful bacteria or viruses.

ZeroWater 5-Stage Water Filter Replacement

What is Aquatru filter?

Aquatru filters are designed to create cleaner, healthier water for your family. Unlike other water filters, Aquatru filters filter out chlorine, chloramines, and over 96% of all VOCs (volatile organic compounds). 

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These contaminants that are found in most faucets and bottled water can cause some serious issues. Chlorine is a disinfectant that helps prevent the spread of disease-causing organisms such as bacteria and viruses, but too much chlorine can actually be bad for you. 

The Aquatru filters use a combination of patented filtration technologies to remove impurities from water. This includes a reverse osmosis membrane that removes lead, heavy metals, chlorine, chloramines, and over 90% of the dissolved solids in your water. 

The filters also reduce other contaminants like cysts, asbestos, and radioactive elements. The filters are guaranteed to remove 99% of Cryptosporidium and Giardia lamblia and are certified by WQA for NSF 42/43 and NSF 53.

Chlorine has been shown to contribute to cancer, respiratory problems, and damage to the immune system. Widespread use of chlorinated water has also led to increased levels of trihalomethanes (TTHM) and haloacetic acids (HAA5), which are carcinogenic.

The presence of chloramines can also have a negative effect on your health. While chloramines aren’t toxic by themselves like chlorine is, they do react with chemicals in your body that can lead to health problems. When you use an Aquatru filter you are reducing the amount of harmful chemicals present in your water supply.

AquaTru - Countertop Water Filtration Purification System

Features: Aquatru Vs Zerowater Filters

They Are Easy To Use

If you want to use your filter as soon as possible, then you will find that these filters are very easy to use. You simply need to add water and then turn it on. The filter will take care of everything else for you. There is no need for any complicated set up or maintenance process.

They Are Durable

These types of filters are made out of high quality materials that make them both durable and long lasting. This means that they will last for many years without any problems at all. This is great because it means that you don’t have to worry about replacing your filter anytime soon. It also means that you don’t have to worry about wasting money on new ones either because they last so long!

Peace of Mind 

A quality filtration system will offer peace of mind knowing that your family’s health is protected by clean drinking water at all times! Your family won’t have to worry about dangerous contaminants like heavy metals, pesticides or chlorine getting into their drinking water supply because every drop passes through.

Filtration Media

The filtration media is responsible for capturing waste particles in your tank and preventing them from building up over time. This media can be changed out when it becomes clogged or dirty.

Mechanical Media

The mechanical media consists of filter floss that traps larger particles in the water column as well as activated carbon, which absorbs odors and discoloration from the water column. You should replace this type of media every 3 months if you have a heavily stocked tank or once per year if you don’t have many fish in your tank.

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Ease of maintenance 

All Aquatru filters come with instructions on how to clean them properly so they last longer and don’t become clogged with debris or algae buildup (which could cause the entire unit to fail). 

All you need is some aquarium water conditioner like Prime or Amquel Plus and some aquarium salts if necessary (depending on your specific model), a bucket or glass jar, a net, and some paper towels or rags for drying afterwards. After every month or two, you should also take apart your pump motor (if applicable).

Durable Construction

Aquatru filters are made of stainless steel, which is a very strong material that can withstand even the harshest conditions. This means that you don’t have to worry about durability issues when it comes to Aquatru filters.

How Does Aquatru Filter Work?

Aquatru filters are designed to provide clean, safe drinking water for your family. They are made from high quality materials and are easy to install. The filters use a three-stage process that includes a carbon block filter, an activated alumina filter and an UV light that kills harmful

The first stage of the filter is the carbon block filter. This removes impurities from your water by removing chlorine and odors from it. The second stage is an activated alumina filter, which removes additional impurities from your water by bonding with them and removing them from the water source. The third stage is the UV light, which kills any remaining impurities in your water by using ultraviolet light waves to kill all bacteria and viruses found in your water supply.

The main reason why people choose Aquatru is because they offer a lifetime warranty on all of their products. This means that if anything happens to your system within the lifetime of the product, they will fix it or replace it at no cost to you!

  • They’re very affordable.
  • They’re easy to install (no plumber needed).
  • They’re durable and long-lasting.
  • Doesn’t remove all harmful chemicals from water.

What Are The Differences Between Aquatru Vs ZerowaterFilters?

The Aquatru water filter is a great choice for those who are looking to save money on bottled water. The filter has been tested and certified by the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) to NSF/ANSI Standard 42 for the reduction of chlorine, lead, and mercury. The filter will also remove 99.9% of Cryptosporidium and Giardia cysts as well as 99.9999% of Chlorine taste and odor making your water taste fresh and clean. The Aquatru uses an activated carbon block cartridge that will last up to 3 months before needing to be replaced. 

AquaTru - Countertop Water Filtration Purification System with Exclusive 4-Stage Ultra Reverse Osmosis Technology

The Zerowater is another great option if you’re looking for a water filter that removes chemicals from your drinking water. This product uses a 5-stage filtration system which includes a 0.25-micron sediment filter, a 0.5-micron carbon block cartridge, a 0.5-micron KDF/GAC filter, an NSF/ANSI 42 certified carbon block, and then finally a 0.2-micron mineral cap which protects against bacteria growth in your filter housing. This filtering system is able to remove up to 99.99999% of contaminants from your water including heavy metals like lead and mercury.  

Which Is the Best for You Aquatru Vs Zerowater?

Editor choice: Zerowater Water Filter

The Zerowater Water Filter is a three-stage filter that uses a proprietary ion exchange resin to remove heavy metals and bacteria from your water. It also features an activated carbon filter that removes chlorine, taste and odor from your water.

Zerowater has a much longer lifespan than Aquatru and it doesn’t require any regular maintenance, unlike Aquatru. It’s also cheaper than the Aquatru model.

ZeroWater 5-Stage Replacement Filter

Conclusion of Aquatru Vs Zerowater

The decision of which water filter is best for you depends on a number of variables, so take the time to consider your needs when choosing between Aquatru and Zerowater.

We are considering, the Zerowater water filter the best water filtration system. It will save you money, time and quite a lot of hassle in the future, but most importantly it will make your water taste better than ever, even if your local tap or spring is rubbish. 

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