Does Reverse Osmosis Remove lead From Water?

Does reverse osmosis remove lead from water?

Some of the first concerns that may spring to mind when thinking about water quality are its flavor and hardness. However, you need also to think about how secure your household water supply is.

Whether you are already concerned about lead in your drinking water or are just beginning your research into water filtration systems, you have likely come across the term “reverse osmosis.” 

The process of reverse osmosis purifies water by forcing it through a semipermeable membrane. The RO membrane has tiny holes that let water through while filtering out hazardous substances. 

One of the questions you may have about reverse osmosis is: Does Reverse Osmosis Remove Lead From Water? In a nutshell, sure. Yes, but how does it function? Read on to find out how reverse osmosis may prevent lead poisoning and provide guaranteed safe hydration.

Does Reverse Osmosis Remove Lead From Water?

Using reverse osmosis (RO) to obtain potable water is a fantastic idea. RO filters purify the water by removing lead and other harmful substances. Both whole-house and POU RO filtering systems are available.

Reverse osmosis offers an easy and budget-friendly approach to safeguard your home’s drinking water by purging pollutants like lead. It can effectively eliminate 99.1% of waterborne lead.

What is Reverse Osmosis?

To purify water, reverse osmosis filters pressurize it and push it through a semipermeable membrane. The membrane’s microscopic holes let water through but block the passage of germs and chemicals. This method filters out harmful substances like lead from water.

On one side of the membrane, the filtration process yields potable water, while the other yields a concentrated waste product known as brine. It is necessary to dispose of the brine since it includes all of the pollutants. It is common practice to flush the brine away. 

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To clean the water before it goes through the RO membrane, most residential systems have a pre-filter. In addition to a membrane, many residential systems additionally have an activated carbon filter to get rid of chlorine (which is harmful to the membrane) and part of the lead.

The holes of a regular RO membrane filter are just 0.0001 microns in size. The diameter of a human hair is 70 microns as a point of reference.

Efficiency of Reverse Osmosis in Reducing Lead

The most efficient method for eliminating lead is a reverse osmosis system. Activated carbon and other filtration systems often achieve 95% purity, but this one can get 99%.

The reverse osmosis membrane is the soul of these lead filtration procedures. The membrane includes tiny openings called pores that let water through but keep the lead out.

The effectiveness of reverse osmosis filters in removing lead from drinking water has been the subject of several research. The results of the tests were between 98% and 99.99%.

Hazards Of High Levels Of Lead

Lead is a heavy metal that may be found in the crust of the Earth. Once thought of as a wonder metal, lead’s toxicity has now been widely acknowledged.

Therefore, protecting oneself from lead exposure is not always possible. Lead’s versatility has seen it utilized in a wide variety of applications since its introduction in Ancient Rome, where it was used to line aqueducts.

  • Due to its widespread application in modern manufacturing, lead was dubbed the “useful metal” by the lead industry in the wake of the Industrial Revolution.
  • Historically, lead and lead compounds have been utilized in a wide variety of consumer goods, from paints and pipes to furniture and cosmetics.

There is no acceptable level of lead exposure for youngsters, says the Environmental Protection Agency. Consequences of lead poisoning in children include:

  • Issues in learning 
  • Hyperactivity
  • Lower Intelligence Quotient
  • Growth slowdown

In other ways, lead’s effects on adults are different. Lead exposure has been linked to heart disease, high blood pressure, and fertility issues in adulthood.

With consequences this severe, no one should take the chance of drinking water contaminated with lead.

What Is The Safest Level Of Lead In Drinking Water? 

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has established a lead action threshold of 15 ppb since lead is such a harmful metal. So, water systems must implement steps to reduce this contaminant’s presence in the water. 

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Due to its ability to bioaccumulate and inflict permanent harm over time, the EPA set the maximum contaminant target for lead at 0. This is in addition to the lead action level.

Because of this, there is no such thing as safe lead levels in drinking water. To keep lead poisoning at bay, you must employ the most advanced treatment methods available.

Safest Level Of Lead In Drinking Water

How To Choose the Best RO System For Lead Removal? 

There are a few things to think about while shopping for a RO system for your house. Among them are:

System Effectiveness

Before making a final decision, you should think about the system’s efficiency. Watch the ratio of filtered water to total water usage very closely. For every gallon of filtered water produced, a system may squander four gallons. Although there are newer systems with higher efficiency ratings, you should not let that be your only consideration.

Your Desired System

The desired system type should be one of your initial considerations. A countertop system or an under-sink device are the two most common options. The installation of a countertop unit is less complicated and intrusive, but it will require some counter space. Before making a final selection, think about the scale of the system and the proposed location of the installation.


Think about how much money the system will set you back. While it’s understandable to zero in on the unit price, it’s important to remember that there will be other costs beyond that. Think about how often you’ll need to do maintenance on the unit and how long you can wait before replacing it. If you do this, you’ll have the highest chance of being satisfied with your decision.

Drawbacks Of Using The RO System For Lead Removal

Healthy Minerals Are Also Filtered Out

Reverse osmosis water filters are so powerful that they do more than merely filter out harmful substances like lead and chlorine. Since beneficial minerals that contribute to the pleasant taste of our drinking water are likewise eliminated by reverse osmosis filters, this technology cannot distinguish between “good” and “bad” impurities.


Reverse osmosis systems are often more costly than conventional water filters since they purify water to the greatest possible standard. The greatest RO filters available can set you back at least $150 and as much as $400, with some systems costing considerably more.

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It’s best to spend a little more on the RO water filter that has received the most praise, as the price tends to reflect the quality of the product.

Water Wastage 

Any quantity of water run through a reverse osmosis system will lose part of its purity in the process. As a byproduct of the RO water purification process, the RO chamber collects impassable pollutants. Because there is nothing for the pollutants to cling to, as in conventional water filtration, the only option is to flush them away along with a portion of the water.

From the minute you switch on your system to the moment you turn it off, reverse osmosis wastes water at a steady pace. According to some estimates, a typical RO system loses four gallons of water for every gallon of cleaned water it generates.

Upkeep is Important

Maintenance is required if you want your reverse osmosis system to last more than a few months. Depending on the model, you should change the RO filter’s water filter cartridges (pre-filter, post-filter, and activated carbon filter) every six to twelve months. While the RO membrane has a maximum lifespan of 3 years, it is routinely replaced after just 2 years.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it okay to regularly use RO water?

Reverse-osmosis or distillation water with a low total dissolved solids (TDS) is not safe for human consumption, and may even be harmful, according to the World Health Organisation. 

When it comes to eliminating lead, how efficient is reverse osmosis?

Reverse osmosis is one of the most efficient methods for removing pollutants from water, unlike other filtering methods. The reverse osmosis filters used in homes may eliminate up to 99% of the lead, asbestos, and 80 other pollutants.

What does the reverse osmosis process leave behind in water?

Despite its name, reverse osmosis (RO) devices do not purify all water. Unfortunately, most organic substances, bacteria, chlorine byproducts, and dissolved gasses including carbon dioxide, methane, and radon are resistant to reverse osmosis systems. 

How is lead eliminated from drinkable water?

In a lead-reduction setting, water purification methods including reverse osmosis, distillation, and activated carbon filtering can eliminate lead from the supply. In addition to vacuuming up any loose lead dust, you should also look for and replace any lead pipes or fittings in your property.

Final Words

Final Words

To the tune of 99.99%, reverse osmosis devices may purge lead from water. Reverse osmosis may often remove up to 99.1 percent of the lead. Even a single activated carbon filter, which can remove roughly 95% of lead on average, cannot compare to this level of filtering efficiency.

If you’re concerned about lead or other toxins in your drinking water, a reverse osmosis filter is a great solution. They don’t hog counter space in the kitchen because they can go under the sink or at the front door.

I hope that this article answers your query: Does Reverse Osmosis Remove Lead From Water

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