Is Distilled Water Safe to Drink?

Last updated on January 2nd, 2023

Distilled water has become a popular home remedy for many health conditions and you may have wanted to drink it to cure your health problem. This article will answer all your questions about distilled water so you know whether it’s fit for drinking and safe for you or not.

Is Distilled Water Safe to Drink

Water purification is another practice that is performed widely in the United States of America. So far, many have relied on conventional methods of water purifying for their families and other loved ones. 

However, due to the advancements in the field of science, distilled water has become an alternative means of water purifying. 

Many people prefer to drink distilled water because it is referred to as ‘pure and healthy water. Water purification is the process by which impurities are removed from water so that it becomes safe to drink. So Is Distilled Water Safe to Drink? Continue reading to know the answer. 

Distilled Water Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits
Distilled Water Benefits

✔️ Top 18 Reasons Why Is Distilled Water Safe To Drink

It’s purified

Distilled water is purified by boiling and cooling it in order to remove all impurities from it. This process removes 100 percent of the dissolved solids from the original source of your tap water. It also removes any potentially harmful contaminants such as lead or chlorine from your tap water supply. 

Because distilled water doesn’t contain any minerals or chemicals in it, there are no additives needed to make it safe for consumption by humans or animals alike! No more concerns about fluoride being added to your drinking supply! 

There are no additives

Distilled water has nothing added to it, including fluoride, which is commonly added to tap water. If you’re trying to avoid fluoride intake, distilled water is an excellent choice since it doesn’t have any added fluoride in it at all.

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It’s pH balanced (neutral)

Most public drinking fountains have a neutral pH balance so that everyone can use them safely without worrying about getting sick from drinking fountain water; this is because most people don’t like drinking acidic or alkaline water since it tastes bad and can also cause indigestion issues for some people who don’t react well with either acidic or alkaline foods/drinks in their diet (which includes most people).

It’s antimicrobial

Distilled water has a high electrical resistance, which makes it an effective disinfectant. This property also makes it useful for cleaning electronic components and other surfaces that can be damaged by exposure to chemicals or other agents.

It’s regulating

Distilled water is used in hospitals and laboratories because it doesn’t contain any minerals that could cause electrolyte imbalances when consumed in large quantities. The lack of minerals means you’ll never have to worry about mineral depletion from drinking distilled water either!

It helps detoxify your body

The mineral content that remains in tap water after distillation makes it more acidic than distilled water, which means it can help detoxify your body by neutralizing acidity in your digestive tract and elsewhere in your body. 

This is especially helpful if you have an overgrowth of candida yeast in your gut because candida flourishes in an acidic environment. 

The acidity created by tap water could be contributing to symptoms such as bloating or constipation, so switching over to distill may help relieve these issues.

It’s free of minerals that harm your health

Distilled water doesn’t have any impurities, so it won’t clog your pipes or cause corrosion like tap water can do. This makes it ideal for use in humidifiers, air conditioners, and other appliances. It’s also safe to use on plants because it won’t leach minerals into the soil like tap water does.

It doesn’t have any additives

Tap water often contains various chemicals added by municipalities to keep it healthy and clean-tasting, but these additives can be harmful to your health if consumed regularly over long periods of time. 

Distilled water contains no additives and therefore can be safely consumed every day without worry of negative side effects from these chemicals or bacteria in your drinking supply like you’d find in tap or bottled water supplies that aren’t filtered properly before being placed on store shelves for sale to consumers.

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🩺It’s a better alternative than tap water

Tap water often contains high levels of chlorine and fluoride. These chemicals are added to kill bacteria, but they also cause many health issues for people who drink them regularly. 

This is especially true for children who are more susceptible to developing asthma and other respiratory problems from breathing in these harmful particles every day. 

Distilled water contains no chlorine or fluoride, so you don’t have to worry about exposing yourself or your family members to these chemicals every time you drink a glass of water.

Distilled water better than tap water

It has fewer minerals than tap water

Distilled water may seem like it’s missing something when compared to tap water — minerals such as calcium and magnesium. But the truth is that these minerals can actually be harmful because they can negatively impact your health over time if ingested too much in one sitting or on a regular basis over time.

It removes all free radicals

Distilled water has been stripped of all impurities including minerals and chemicals that can leave behind free radicals. Free radicals are unstable atoms with unpaired electrons that can damage cells in your body. 

There are many foods you can eat to help eliminate free radicals from your body such as green tea or ginger root but distilled water is one of the easiest ways to do so because it is easily accessible and cheap!

It is completely free of chemicals

Distilled water has no chemical residue left over from the distillation process so there are no contaminants or additives in the liquid itself once it has been boiled down into its purest form. 

Tap water on the other hand may contain a variety of different chemicals depending on where you live and what contaminants are present in the local area.

It’s better for our environment

Distilled water is the purest form of water that exists on earth. It has gone through a chemical process called distillation where it is boiled and then condensed back into a liquid state. 

This process removes all minerals and impurities from the water making it safe for human consumption. Because of its purity, distilled water is also considered as one of the best purifiers on the planet due to its lack of minerals that may cause harm to the body if consumed in large amounts.

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It makes an excellent cleaner and sterilizer

Because of its ability to remove all impurities from any surface or object, distilled water is often used as a cleaning agent in homes and industries alike because it leaves no residue behind when used as a cleaner or sanitizer. 

The same goes with sterilization purposes wherein it can be used in hospitals to clean medical equipment before they are used on patients or even during surgeries so that there would be no contamination caused by left over germs or bacteria during operations which could potentially lead to infections for patients who are undergoing operations with these contaminated instruments.

It’s healthier than spring water

Distilled water has been purified by distillation so it contains no bacteria or parasites. Spring water, on the other hand, can contain traces of contaminants that may cause illness if ingested in large quantities.

Its pH balance makes it a great oral solution

pH of Distilled Water

Distilled water has an ideal pH level for oral health care products like mouthwash, toothpaste and dental floss — which are typically made with purified water or deionized water. 

The pH level (measurement of acidity or alkalinity) for distilled water is between 5 and 6, making it very close to neutral; this means the body does not have to work as hard to maintain a healthy pH balance when consuming distilled water.

It can help with weight loss and healthy living

The human body is made up of 60% water, so it needs a constant supply of clean water to remain healthy. It helps flush out toxins from your body and keeps you hydrated. Drinking distilled water helps you achieve optimum health because it aids in digestion and elimination.

It’s good for your hair, skin, and nails

Distilled water does not have any chemicals in it that can damage hair follicles or irritate skin cells like tap water does. It also helps keep nails strong by eliminating chlorine from them when bathing with it in place of tap water or showering with it after swimming in a chlorinated pool or hot tub at the gym or YMCA, etc.

Conclusion: Is Distilled Water Safe to Drink

There you have it—18 reasons why distilled water is safe to drink. So don’t waste your money buying bottled distilled water, and instead start investing it in a water filter that can eliminate water-borne bacteria, like this one. This article should help you pick out the right one to fit your needs and budget.

Drinking Distilled Water is the only way to be sure of what you are drinking. Many bottled waters actually contain minerals and chemicals such as fluoride. Fluoride is poisoning people around the world. Only distilled water will reduce the chance of illness and improve your overall health. It helps chlorinated and fluoridated to be eliminated from your body.

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