Why is My Hot Water Cloudy But Cold Water Clear?

Few things can be as unsettling as turning on your faucet, expecting a clear stream of hot water, and instead, getting cloudy water pouring out. If you’ve ever wondered why your hot water is cloudy while your cold water remains crystal clear, you’re not alone. This phenomenon can be caused by several factors, each with its own set of reasons and potential solutions. In this article, we’ll explore the causes of cloudy hot water and discuss ways to fix the issue.

Why Is My Hot Water Cloudy? (Causes and Fixes)

1. Tiny Air Bubbles

One common reason for cloudy hot water is the presence of tiny air bubbles. When water heats up, it loses its ability to hold dissolved gases, causing these gases, primarily oxygen and carbon dioxide, to escape in the form of tiny bubbles. When these bubbles become trapped in the water, it can appear cloudy or milky.

Temperature Changes

Temperature changes can exacerbate this issue. When cold water enters your hot water heater, it contains more dissolved gases than hot water. As the cold water heats up in the tank, the gases are released, leading to cloudiness in your hot water.

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Water Pressure

Water pressure can also play a role in this phenomenon. High water pressure can force more air into the water supply, making it more likely that air bubbles will become trapped in the water and create cloudiness.

Water Suppliers

The quality of water supplied to your home can vary depending on your location and water source. Some water supplies may naturally contain more dissolved gases, making it more prone to cloudiness when heated. In such cases, you may need to rely on filtration systems or water treatment to address the issue.

2. Sediment In Water

Another common cause of cloudy hot water is the presence of sediment in your water heater. Over time, minerals, rust, and debris can accumulate in the bottom of your water heater tank. When hot water is drawn from the tank, it can stir up this sediment, causing the water to appear cloudy.

How to Check if Sediment is Causing Cloudy Hot Water

To determine if sediment is the culprit, you can perform a simple test. Fill a glass with hot water from your faucet and let it sit for a few minutes. If the cloudiness gradually settles at the bottom of the glass, it’s likely due to sediment in your water heater.

Is Cloudy Water Safe to Drink?

Cloudy water is generally safe to drink. The cloudiness is usually caused by harmless factors like air bubbles or sediment. However, if you notice any unusual odors or tastes along with the cloudiness, it’s advisable to contact your local water utility for testing and potential solutions.

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How to Fix Cloudy Hot Water

Now that we’ve identified the common causes, let’s discuss how to fix cloudy hot water:

Clogged Aerator:

Sometimes, the cloudiness may be limited to one or a few fixtures. In such cases, the aerator on the faucet may be clogged. Remove the aerator and clean it thoroughly. This should improve the water clarity for that particular faucet.

Water Heater Sediment:

If sediment buildup is the issue, you may need to flush your water heater. Turn off the power or gas supply to the heater, shut off the water supply, and attach a hose to the drain valve at the bottom of the tank. Drain a few gallons of water to remove the sediment. Consult your water heater’s manual for specific instructions.

Install Water Filtration System

Addressing cloudy hot water can be effectively achieved by implementing a reliable water filtration system. This approach not only clears up your water but also eliminates harmful contaminants and introduces beneficial minerals without occupying valuable countertop space. While this solution may seem straightforward, it’s important to recognize the diverse array of alternatives available.

 Install a Reverse Osmosis Filtration System

Consider the installation of a reverse osmosis filtration system as a sustainable and efficient option. This solution operates without the need for electricity, regular filter replacements, or frequent maintenance. The principle behind a reverse osmosis filtration system involves the passage of water through a semipermeable membrane, which effectively eliminates almost all impurities, leaving you with crystal-clear water. Rest assured that this system will provide you with consistently transparent water for an extended period.

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Hard Water:

If you live in an area with hard water, mineral deposits can accumulate in your water heater and plumbing. Consider installing a water softener to reduce mineral buildup, which can help improve water clarity and extend the lifespan of your water heater.


Why is my hot water cloudy but cold water clear can be caused by various factors, but it is often due to the presence of air bubbles or sediment in your water. While cloudy water is usually safe to drink, it can be unpleasant. Identifying the cause and implementing the appropriate fixes, such as cleaning your aerator, flushing your water heater, or using a water softener, can help ensure your hot water runs clear and clean. If you’re unsure about the cause or unable to resolve the issue yourself, don’t hesitate to seek professional assistance to ensure your water system is functioning optimally.

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