PUR Water Filter Light Not Working [Troubleshooting Tips😉]

Last updated on January 2nd, 2023

If you have a PUR water filter, you might experience some problems with the device. One of the common issues that people face is with the light on the filter not turning on or off. If you are having this issue, then it can be frustrating as well as annoying.

This is a common issue with the pur filter. The PUR water filter light will turn red to let you know that your filter is not working properly. 

PUR Water Filter Light Not Working

If your filter light is not lighting up at all, then it is likely that you need to change your filter. There are many reasons why this could happen, but one of the most common reasons is because of a clogged filter.

The solution to this problem is simple. You just need to replace the filter with a new one! This will not only fix your problem, but it will also help you keep track of when it’s time to replace your water filter again!

However, there are several reasons why your PUR water filter light not working. Here is a list of the top 15 reasons why your pur water filter light not working:

Top 21 Reasons Why Your PUR Water Filter Light Is Not Working

🤔 The Filter Is Not Fully Inserted

If the top part of your pur water filter light not working fully inserted into the bottom part of the unit, then you will not receive any output from it. This is because it must be completely immersed in order for it to work properly. 

The top part of the unit should fit securely into the bottom part of the unit so that no leaks occur and no dirt or debris can get in between them and cause damage or Malfunctioning Later down the Road. 

😩 Have You Replaced Your Filter Lately?

If you haven’t replaced your filter recently, it may be time to do so. It takes about two months for the indicator light to turn on when it’s time to replace the filter. If you haven’t changed filters since the last time the light turned on, then it’s likely that there is something wrong with your unit.

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🚫 Is The Filter Light Turned On?

PUR Plus Water Pitcher

If you think that your indicator light isn’t working properly and want to check, first make sure that it has been turned on by following these steps:

Turn off all faucets in your home and turn on all showerheads at once. Wait 30 seconds and then turn off all showerheads at once again. 

This will activate the indicator lights in all of your water filters at once so that they can be checked for functionality. If any of them don’t turn on after this test, then those filters need replacement.

😰 Is The Unit Plugged In?

The most common reason why the PUR water filter light does not work is because you have not plugged the unit into the wall outlet. To fix this problem, simply make sure that you have connected your water filter to an electrical outlet and check to see if it is working properly.

😩 Is The Circuit Breaker Tripped?

Another reason why your PUR water filter light may not be working is because your circuit breaker has been tripped. This can happen if too many appliances are using electricity in your home at once, so it’s important to make sure that there are no other appliances on at the same time as your PUR water filter. 

If there are no other appliances on in your home, then you should reset your circuit breaker so that it will work again.

😰 Is There Something Wrong With The Water Line?

If you’ve checked all these things and still cannot get the PUR water filter working, then there may be something wrong with your water line or even with your faucet itself. You can check for any leaks by turning off all faucets and letting them sit for about 15 minutes before turning them back on again.

🚫 Your System Is Not Set Up Properly

If you have a PUR water filter, there are two ways to install the system. One is called the “gravity flow” method, and the other is called the “pressure flow” method. The difference between these two methods is how much pressure is used to push water through your filter. 

If you’re using the pressure flow system, then your light will not work because there isn’t enough pressure in your system. You’ll need to use the gravity flow method if you want your light to work properly.

Your Tank Has Been Replaced

If you have had a new tank installed in your system, it may be that the light simply needs to be reset. If your new tank has come with a new filter, then check the instructions on how to reset the light on this new filter. 

You may also want to check if there are any extra filters that come with this new tank and replace them as well as they could be faulty too.

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💧 Your Faucet Is Leaking

If your faucet is leaking then it could be leaking onto the circuit board or into the bottom of your filter where there are some wires attached that control the light inside of the tank of your pur water filtration system. 

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This can cause issues with both lighting up properly and also turning off when someone turns off their water at their kitchen sink or bathtub faucet because of this leaky faucet which causes an electrical short when it comes in contact

💧 You Have Low Water Pressure

If you have low water pressure, then it will not be able to flow through the filtering system properly. This can cause the light to blink red or yellow. A good way to check if this is the case is by turning off all taps in your home, including showers, sinks and toilets. 

If the pressure has improved then you should try restarting your tap again slowly until the blinking stops and it goes back to normal operation mode.

🤷‍♀️ The Water Tastes Funny

If your water starts tasting funny, then it could be due to a build-up of minerals in your pipes that are affecting the taste of your water. This build-up can also cause other problems with your PUR water filter including an increase in bacteria growth and build-up on the faucet screens which may stop them from working properly. You should try flushing out these minerals by running some hot water.

🧐 Leak between Tank and Faucet,

If you notice a leak, it could be that there is a leak between the tank and faucet. This would be an easy fix. All you need to do is tighten the connections. If this does not work, then it may be time to replace the o-rings inside of your filter housing.

🧐 Water Drips from Faucet When Not Being Used

If your water is dripping from your faucet when it is not being used, then this could mean that there is air in your pipes. There are two ways that air can get into a pipe: one way is through leaks between joints and valves; another way is by having too much pressure going through the pipe. 

Both of these causes should be fixed before doing anything else with your PUR water filter system. To fix this problem, simply turn off your main water supply valve(s) at the curb or street for about 30 seconds; then open them back up and turn on all of your faucets (shower head, sink sprayers, etc.) for about 30 seconds each to clear out any remaining air bubbles from your pipes

🤠 Filter Needs Replacing

The most common reason that your PUR water filter light isn’t working is because it’s time to replace your filter. The manufacturer recommends replacing your filter every 2 months or 40 gallons of water consumed, whichever comes first.

If you have hard water or if you use a lot of hot water, you may need to change it sooner than this recommendation suggests.

🤷‍♀️ Mystery Reasons

There are a few possible “mystery” reasons why your PUR water filter light might not be working properly:

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Your filter may be clogged with sediment or dirt that has accumulated over time; this can happen even if you change your filters regularly

If you live in an area with hard water, mineral deposits may accumulate on the faucet valve (where the tap connects to the faucet) and prevent it from closing completely; this can mean that no pressure builds up in the faucet and therefore no flow comes out.

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🤷‍♀️ The Power Is Off

If your power goes out and then back on, it will reset all electronic devices in your home. This includes your PUR water filter. If your filter light has been blinking for a while, make sure that you try turning off the power at the main switch and then back on again. This is a simple fix that can solve a lot of problems!

🤠 The reset Button is pressed

If you’ve recently changed your filter or ran your system without running water through it for an extended period of time (more than 24 hours), then there’s a good chance that your unit has been reset by accident. 

All you need to do is press and hold down the reset button on top of your unit until the indicator light starts flashing green/yellow/red before turning off entirely (you’ll know when this has happened because there will be no more red light). 

Once this happens, you should be able to start using again as normal without worrying about any problems arising from this type of filter.

⚙️ Filter Removed From the Base

This is the most common cause for a PUR water filter light to come on. When you remove the filter from the base, it will automatically shut off to let you know that you have removed it from its intended position. 

You need to make sure that you place it back on correctly so that the light goes off and the filter starts working again.

💧 Water Pressure Is Too Low

Another reason why your PUR water filter light might not be working is because the water pressure in your home is too low. If this is indeed the case, then you should check with your local water company about what kind of pressure they recommend for their systems. 

If they do not give you a specific value, then you can try running your faucets until they are full and see if they have enough pressure to make it through the system without backing up into one of them or causing any other problems along the way.

💧 Base Not Connected Properly To the Faucet or Tap

The next step is to make sure that the base of the filter is properly connected to the tap or faucet. You may have loosened it, so check if it still fits well into its place. Also, make sure that there are no leakages and that there are no cracks in between. If there is, fix them immediately because this might cause leaks and flooding in your home later on.

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⚙️ Leak In The System

If the base is connected properly but there are still leaks, then you need to check for any holes within your system as well as any cracks in between them. They could have been caused by mishandling during installation or while changing filters or during transportation when they were being shipped from one place to another because of carelessness or other reasons.

🙋‍♂️ Conclusion: PUR water filter light not working 

If your pur water filter light not working, don’t worry. This article will instruct you how to troubleshoot each issue with your PUR water filter alert light. These solutions will help you save time and money, and enable you to continue using your water filter without worry.

This Pur water filter review will help you to make an informed decision about the PUR advanced faucet mount filter. It is explained in detail any question that a customer might have. The review also explores other competitive products and offers tips on how to choose the best water filter.

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